Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tired of Listening to Your Boss?

Something random just entered my mind today. Have you ever thought about the fact that the employees are always the ones complaining? You hear it all the time, "Can you believe what the Bossman just did?" or, "If I were the Boss, I wouldn't do it like that." Or on the radio you might here, "Tired of hearing the boss? Tune him out and tune us in." Why is it that employees find so many things to pick on?

It makes me wonder if a boss gets together with his friends and talks about his employees. I think I should start a boss-friendly radio station. "Are you tired of putting up with your employees? Are you sick of them not doing what you want them to? Tune them out and tune us in."

I would like to take my hat off to the employers out there including my own. Though we may sound like complaining little children sometimes, we really do appreciate the jobs that you've created for us.

The Bizfisher