No matter how ugly you think life is, there are some things that are unchangeably good.
- 1. God, in his all-knowing, all-seeing wisdom. Sometimes it seems like He's playing a board game with us. Sometimes we are sent directly to jail, without collecting $200, and other times He gives us Boardwalk and Park Place with hotels on both.
- 2. A family that loves you. I know that a caring family sometimes seems like a thing of the past here in the states, but I was reminded of how utterly important it is that we don't let family fall by the wayside.
- 3. Friends that are right there for you when it feels like you've been sent directly to jail. There were many times that I had to chose to accept their help, even when I felt completely undeserving of their services (lawn mowing, house cleaning, etc), gift cards, money, food, taking us out to eat, and many other things.
- 4. Probably the most amazing thing is how all three of the above tie together. It's all part of the board game of life.