Saturday, April 25, 2009

"And We Made It. Praise Jesus!"

These are the words of the bikers that came with a picture of the four of them in Sarasota. They arrived there around noon today.

Here is the welcoming site of Pinecraft Park.
Congratulations!! You guys are unbelievable! There are many orphans in Africa that will be quite thankful to you. I'm totally pumped for you, and hope that you can enjoy a few days of relaxation.

The Bizfisher


  1. Hallelujah You Guys Did it, you made it.Good Job , Harry Gingerich

  2. Way to go guys. Congratulations.

  3. So proud of all 4 of you for your diligent effort and grateful for you safety, wow !
    No quitters here.
    Delighted for your contribution to the Kenya orphanage, I think you should personally join in on the joy helping in that construction

  4. i'm impressed but not surprised. thank God for a safe trip. zach
