Saturday, April 4, 2009

An Introduction to My Blog

So here begins a new post. Not only that, but a completely new blog. Wow! What in the world will it be about? There are endless numbers of possibilities as to what one could write about in a blog. Mine however will just include a few. Mostly Business, some Bicycling, probably some Family Life thrown in, and maybe we'll tackle some Religion every now and then. Please do not think for a minute that this is the order of my priorities.

This blog will be posted on the homepage of my website. Therefore, I will be writing mostly about things that pertain to Business. However, business can include many different subjects. Don't immediately think that I'll be offering my opinions on what the stock market will do.

I think I heard some of you in the background yelling. What were you saying? Oh, yes, I should tell you what is. Well, it's Saturday morning, and I generally do breakfast here at a local restaurant, so I can't take the time to tell you now. Come back though, that's what my next post will be about.

P.S. I do believe today is my Mom's birthday. Happy Birthday to a Wonderful Woman.


  1. All the best on your blog and especially on your new website.

  2. great blog so far!

  3. and again...great blog!
